Motel Bff Contestants- Nicole & Ashley

Meet our 7th Motel Bff Contestants, Nicole & Ashley.

Who? Nicole (left) and Ashley (right).

Why is friendship important to them? “The importance of our friendship is always being there for one another to lift each other’s spirits, for advice and to chit chat about the love of our lives – FASHION

How would you describe your individual styles? “We like to describe our style as class meets sass.”

Nicole’s style- “Nicole goes for a mix of a “round-the-way-girl” look with a more cute, sweet and innocent side, but will add a dash of sassy attitude in every outfit.”

Ashley’s style- “Ashley is a true shoe-nista usually building a classic look with a little edge from some funky footwear – something like a modern day girl/vixen-next-door.”

Thank you Nicole and Ashley for entering the contest. You beautiful ladies now have the chance to win dresses from! Would you and your Bff like to enter the contest too? Click here for details.

13 thoughts on “Motel Bff Contestants- Nicole & Ashley

  1. Love love love the look!! Stylish, classy & extremely complimenting looks for both the ladies. The shoes make the outfit complete!

  2. wooo!! yall better stop taking people for this contest it over they won. I got to go I need another look at these outfits gosh!!

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